I collected sewing machines, applied for start up funds from our mission ministry and set up a time. We currently have about ten women who come regularly. Some have never sewed, others haven’t sewn in years, and only one of them was familiar with modern quilting methods.
Our first quilts are comprised of twenty five 4.5” blocks with 2.5” borders. This makes a quilt about 24” square.
Everyone got busy, cutting, ironing, designing and sewing.
Here’s one of our quilters with her very first quilt. She had never operated a machine before. Can’t you just see the satisfaction in her face?
At our last meeting we covered the quilt sandwich, and one quilter starting a cross hatch pattern. I’ll post updates as we progress.
Good for you for encouraging interest from new quilters! And all for a good cause. One of your members even has her arm in a cast? Now there's a challenge.