I’m midway through the fourth month of my six month fast and I have barely made a dent in my fabric collection. I’ve pieced six tops. I find myself working in a fabric series like I used to do when I first began quilting. Back in the day I purchased fabric for a project, made the project, and if there were any scraps left over I made another project. Then I discovered quilting blogs and Twitter accounts, and oh my, Instagram. So much temptation to lure me into purchasing fabric. Thus my need for a fabric fast.
I’ve used up all the green, orange aqua and mustard Simply Color fabrics I purchased and most of the coordinates I bought to go with them. But I still have the blue, grey, plum and pink fabrics.
I still have a lot of Lotta Jansdotter’s Glimma
I’ve been resisting sale notices in my inbox, but one day I pulled up Instagram #greatfabricdestash, and this Heather Ross fabric was the first image. I confess, I grabbed it.
It’s a small piece, and I have no idea what I will do with it, but who can resist a dachshund in a raincoat? it was just one tiny purchase… and I have been so good.