Some of you know about my fascination with vintage sewing machines. I have a wonderful, modern Bernina Artista 630 on which I do the majority of my sewing. That said, there is something I love about the sound, the feel and the heft of machines made before 1965. In starting the compassion quilt project at our church I began looking for used machines at thrift shops.
A few weeks ago I found an Italian Necchi BCJ. The Necchi enthusiasts say the Necchi Italian machines were the best ever made, so for $15 I bought it. Languishing in a shed outside the store was a filthy Singer. It was so dirty I couldn’t even tell what model it was. The clerk threw it in for an extra $5. With high hopes I sent the Necchi to a repair shop to get a new motor and power cord. It was repaired and it sews Ok, but still needs some work on tension as it puckers fabric. I spent an afternoon working on the upper and lower tension and it’s still not right. I’m a little disappointed. I thought I would have a new love with this Italian. He just seems a bit fussy to me, just what I don’t need, a high maintenance boyfriend. But you have to admit, he’s got a lot of style going on.
Then I got the Singer out of it’s filthy case, and found a very dirty 301A slant needle machine with years of lint and crud on it. I have had a yen for one of these for several years. I wish I had taken a photo before I began cleaning it.
I spent the morning cleaning and oiling it. It was not locked up, just dirty and in need of oil. After I got everything inside cleaned and oiled, I did a test sew. Perfect! I mean it was a perfect stitch! I had different color thread in the needle and the bobbin so I could analyze the tension, and it was perfect. Unbelievable. Tom put a bit of electrical tape on the cord and this boyfriend was good to go. I’ve ordered a new cord since I have to tape this one on to stay in the machine, but that is minor. After the initial cleaning, the body still had some stains on it and needed extra TLC.
Having learned in another blog about
TR-3 automobile cleaner and polish, I went to work on the stains and rust. This product is amazing.
Here are the after photos

In the world of vintage machines the Singer 301A is known as the big brother to the Singer Featherweight and has the reputation of being trouble free and easy to maintain, more like my kind of guy. Signore Necchi may be history.