Tuesday, October 20, 2009
First stitch paper project

Friday, October 9, 2009
addicted to making stitch paper

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
stitch paper
Today I cleaned my studio enough to play with fabric, papers and glue. I’ve joined mixed media art friends on Yahoo, and we are doing a book study of Kelli Nina Perkins book, Stitch Alchemy.
I made four sheets of the basic paper, and put them out on the porch to dry. Next week we will paint them. Can’t wait. I may have to make some more between now and then so I’ll have plenty to play with. These sheets are about 15”x20”.

For this one I used security envelopes, pattern tissue, church bulletin, origami paper and a French dictionary.

This was the lining from a greeting card envelope, tissue paper and some dictionary text and pattern tissue
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Wedding quilt
It’s done. The bride and groom married in April, just as warm weather arrived in Florida, so I had the summer to finish their queen sized quilt. A cold front is moving in this week, so maybe it will get cool enough to bundle up.
The couple has two poodles, so I couldn’t resist putting a poodle in each of the corners.
here’s another detail
and a motif from the church
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Studio Tour
I use a spare bedroom for my studio, but the space often has to serve other purposes such as a guest room, staging room for parties, and most recently storage of items from my mother’s apartment.
Behind my machine is one of my storage areas. The red tool chest came from a hardware store. It stores many of my small paint jars and drawing tools. My parents' vintage leather luggage is on top. I keep my button and bead collections in them.
Next to the bookcases is my work table. I use it for everything, just changing the cover as needed. I use it as an ironing board, a cutting table, and a surface for painting and design. Although not pictured, I have four plastic drawer units below the table that I can roll around as needed.
I took out the closet hardware and installed shelving. Normally the curtains are open so I can see what’s in there, but when I want to neaten things up, I close the curtains.
Last year two friends came and stayed with with me for a week. I was able to set up two extra sewing stations. The room was tight, but we had a lot of fun.